Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Downsides

I’m on Day #3 of bike commuting.  First off – I like it.  Second – there’s a lot of positives that bike commuters are always preaching about:

“It’s good for the environment!”

“You’ll lose weight!”

“You’ll feel great!”

“It saves you money!”

Yeah, yeah.  Those are all TRUE.  However…I don’t hear a lot of the negatives.  So here it is – the sh*t they don’t talk about:

-          You fall.  In front of people.  It’s embarrassing.  (and sometimes hurts)

-          You have to get up earlier & plan ahead much more. (...and then they’ll cancel the morning meeting anyway.  Harrumph.)

-          If you’re not used to biking, your nether regions are going to hurt for a while until they get used to it.  Even with bike shorts.

-          You’ll care about wind more than rain.

And the one even bike people talk about:  Drivers don’t see you.  They will run over you.
So far, my rides have been fairly uneventful.  I’ve watched out for drivers.  I’ve had fantastic weather.  I have the ideal work situation for bike commuting.  And I’ve felt great!  And aside from falling over yesterday in front of rush hour traffic, I’m happy with what I’ve done so far.


  1. I always thought a downside was arriving at work all sweaty. Blech!

  2. I'm glad you are doing the without's again! I missed you for a few months! I need to motivate myself to do some withouts!

  3. @April I don't care about the sweaty part - mostly because I'm a big filthbag & don't care (ha!), but also because I've got a place I can change clothes & get ready at work. I don't sweat much, but if I do stink, I'm pretty secluded in the corner until I cool down.

    @Susan Yay!! Thanks for commenting!
