Friday, April 20, 2012

No sloth in sight! Even though my Facebook addiction remains strong, I’ve been doing a lot
less sitting around & a lot more DOING. I’m like a Home Depot commercial on meth! I’ve been staying late at work almost & running errands over my lunch hour & after dinner every day. I’ve only made it to the gym once this week (..and not for a class), but I’ve been getting a LOT of activity anyway.

Some highlights:
Tues: got my replacement drivers’ license, cleaned fridge, worked out at gym

Wed: applied for a marriage license, composted & tilled the office garden, walked around Holmes Lake, went grocery shopping

Thurs: met with my Teammate, skipped a board meeting (I never do that!) to work late on an edit, wrote a couple more thank-you notes, bought a wedding gift, hand delivered a mis-addressed invitation, dropped something off at work for an early-morning shoot

Today: I am taking care of more wedding stuff over lunch & getting a lot done for the big spring/summer projects at work…you know, the stuff I keep putting off until later. Ha!

I have kept myself busy & running around all week, without much of a chance to watch TV
or play online. If I’ve had free time, I’ve spent it exercising or checking things off my list. Ok, I DID allow myself some beers on a friend’s deck – but I much prefer that to throwing my time away on Facebook or Pinterest!

If I can take care of those last couple nagging items on my list (Yakima parts, mail a gift), I’ll feel MUCH better than I did at the beginning of this week. Even if I don’t make it to spinning class :)

Since this week is a pretty vague “without”, I’m looking for a specific, quantifiable one next week.
I’m toying with “a week without a bed”. Any other ideas??

Monday, April 16, 2012

Gettin' Stuff Done!

Holy productivity! Not only was it a CRAZY busy day at work (no time for a lunch break, and I stayed really late), but I got a lot done!

- Stopped at tux store to confirm stuff for wedding

- Decorated my boss’ office…LIKE A BOSS!

- Mailed off a thank you note

- Mailed off a baby gift

- Wrapped three presents

- Got fiancé to follow up on some wedding things

- Made a big to-do list for the rest of this week

I set the hourglass timer on my phone for an hour of idle time, and I still have about 9 minutes left. It’s keeping me from losing track of time & wasting all of my at-home hours. My fiancé thinks it might be keeping me TOO aware, because I didn’t relax much at all tonight while I was “on the clock”.

Fiancé’s argument: You suck at relaxing in the first place. Why are you putting even more stress on your down time?

My argument: I’m stressed because of things I keep putting off! Making myself do some of these things will ease my stress, instead of paralyzing myself like I normally do. Also, YOUR FACE!

Although I’m a pro at procrastination, I am horrible about relaxing. Really. HORRIBLE. I will lay down with my fiancé, but he’s the only one who can nap (for 3 hours at a time!!). I can’t even sleep on international flights. When I took my landlord to small claims court, I didn’t sleep well for about 3 months. I’ve developed nervous tics that only close friends will recognize. When someone gave me a meditation CD, I literally checked the back to see which track was the shortest - because I was running late for something and too stressed to meditate. Ha!

So, with the wedding –and lots of work projects- looming, you can imagine the amount of relaxing I’ve done. I think the gym is a good idea this week.

Another busy day is on deck. Since I lost my wallet, I’ve got to go get a new driver’s license so I can get a marriage license. Oh, and drive. J Plus, I checked the class schedule at my gym. I think I’m going to try spin class on Wednesday. Anyone wanna join me??

In keeping with the “sloth” theme for this week:

Kristen Bell’s infamous sloth meltdown on Ellen

Baby sloths (they look like they’re wearing pajamas at the end) CUTE OVERLOAD!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Week Without Sloth

“I’m back, bebeh!”-Bender Bending Rodriguez

Time for another “Week Without”! And this time, it’s a Week Without Sloth. Ah, Sloth. It’s perhaps my favorite deadly sin: Lounging on the couch, soaking up bad TV, browsing the internet for interesting videos, playing word games, and wasting time on Pinterest & Facebook. I’m really good at sloth.

Truthfully, my big goal this week is to get myself off the couch and into the gym. I used to be very successful at setting weekly goals & working out at the gym. If I’m being honest, I don’t think I’ve been there in 3 months. Embarrassing.

Since it’s difficult to quantify sloth, here’s my wish list for a successful week:

- 2 new classes at the gym (maybe spinning & a BodyPump-type class??)

- Get some cleaning done around the house (the fridge is getting gross)

- Take care of a couple gifts I’ve been meaning to deliver FOREVER

- Get some wedding planning done

- Mail the WRONG replacement parts back to Yakima & install the other things on my roof rack

I’m not going to rule out TV & internet, but I’m limiting myself to an hour a night. (That’s a very strict media diet for me!)

“Heyyyy youuuu guyyyyys!” - Sloth