Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Reformed Bag Lady

I think this blog is slowly but surely making me low-maintenance. I am almost on week #3 without fake nails. I loaned my car to my brother they other day while his was in the shop, because I knew I’d be fine without one. I don’t worry about makeup if I don’t have time. I left my debit card at a fundraiser the other night, but I’m not worried, because I know I can get by without spending J Did I mention my office stash of pop has been empty all this week? And my week without a purse? Awesome!

I honestly didn’t think my purse was related to my shoulder problems. And while I still don’t believe it initially caused the problem – not wearing it has made a big difference! I hope it’s not all in my head, but the pain in my shoulder has subsided. It still hurts at certain angles, but it seems to have improved substantially. Go figure!

Also, not having a purse rules. I feel like a guy – in a good way. They never have to schlep all their crap around (and sometimes, everyone else’s crap!). I just stick what I absolutely need (wallet, phone, keys, Chapstick) into my pockets, & away I go! A couple times I’ve found myself reaching to put something INTO my purse, but so far I haven’t run into any situations where I really missed or needed one of those oddball items I’d been carrying around. Ladies, even if you don’t carry a big bag, I highly recommend trying a week without your purse.

Shoulder: 1

Purse: 0

Monday, December 5, 2011

Baggin' the bag

I just wrapped up my second week off since beginning this blog. The week without biting my nails was one of the biggest successes yet! Not only did I last a week without breaking down & and going to the salon – I STILL haven’t been there. I may have broken the habit for good *knock on wood* I started chewing on them a few times, but I’ve been able to stop myself. My friend Marna recommended keeping a nail file with me & using that whenever I get the urge to bite my nails. I’ve been doing that and painting my nails. I’m not sure which did the trick, but it’s been two full weeks and my fingernails are intact. That’s amazing! I still miss having super-strong, always-French tipped nails, so eventually, I’ll go back to the salon. But now that I don’t NEED nails, the salon will just be a nice way to pamper myself once in a while.

My right shoulder has been giving me problems for a few months. While it’s likely due to a paddling injury, I think I may be doing other things to aggravate it. That led to this “Week Without a Purse”. We’ve all heard stories of women who’ve suffered back or neck injuries stemming from their mammoth bags. My bag is not huge, but I am guilty of carrying way too much in it. All of my makeup travels with me, all of the time. I tend to accumulate a huge paper pile of receipts, printouts, invitations, and maps. I’ve got 2 checkbooks, a wallet, a very full keyring, and a phone. Many times there’s an MP3 player & headphones, or an FM transmitter in there. And then there’s the weird stuff that travels in there… I’ve had a wire stripper in there for about a month now. I used to carry a small tape measure and a Congressional directory or a deck of cards. (No, I wasn’t on my way to “Let’s Make a Deal”) A change of shoes or a Coke Zero often finds its way into the abyss that is my bag. I patented the “bag in a bag” technique: carrying my purse and other items INSIDE a backpack or larger bag. At first, it was because I needed a way to carry my gym clothes, lunch, and purse all at once. Then, it was just because I was weird.

This week, my shoulder gets a break. This morning, I did my makeup at home. I stuck my wallet & phone in my coat pockets. And I carried my usual lunch and a change of shoes in a plastic bag. Not heavy, and most of it won’t travel back home with me.