Thursday, November 8, 2012

Past the halfway point

An update on the cleanse:

- I'm enjoying cooking.
- Plenty of fodder for my food blog
- The Wii Fit claims I've lost 2 lbs. (I'm not sure)

- I WANT BAD FOOD.  I want wine.  Cheese.  A Runza.  Chocolate.  Tacos.  Banh Mi.  Egg rolls.  I want to be able to snack & drink beer when I tailgate this Saturday.
- I'm getting sick of doing dishes.
- Every vegan or clean eating blog I read says "My hair is so shiny & my skin glows!"  What. Ever.  That crap does not happen to me. In fact, both times I've done this cleanse, I've gotten a major breakout on my face.  What gives?

5.5 more days to go. (and starting Saturday, I'm allowed eggs & gluten-free grains!)

1 comment:

  1. your body is obviously try to push out toxins! I bet if you did it longer, you WOULD get clear skin!
