Monday, November 5, 2012

Food Fantasies

I'm finishing the last day of Phase 1.  This is the most restrictive phase.  Tomorrow, I can have salmon and lentils!  I'm putting a root vegetable mulligatawny in the crock pot tonight - yum!

The cleanse feels easier this time around for many reasons:
First and obviously, it's shorter.  12 days seems so much more do-able than 21, and I'll be able to have turkey in time for Thanksgiving.  Hopefully, this'll have me craving a side of brussels sprouts, too.

Second, I've done this before & know what to expect.  I'm comfortable with all of the "rules"", so I've experimented more with the "legal" foods & created my own recipes.  I knew that after two days of caffeine headaches, I'd feel much better.

Third, I have a juicer!!  It's almost impossible to mess up juice.  It's an easy breakfast, and I've gone through two whole bunches of kale in four days!

Finally, I'm doing it with a friend, which makes it so much better.  The work "lunch bunch" ate together today, and I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything.

Tonight, I went back to Open Harvest for only the 2nd time since I was last doing the cleanse.  I'm in love.  I looked in the deli case & they have so much homemade YUMMY stuff.  I bought 2 types of hummus to eat tomorrow :)  Plus, they have weird vegetables that I want to try!  I bought some bok choy, a persimmon, a pomegranate, a turnip, a ginger root, a black radish, and some lacinato kale.  I've never even heard of those last two before!  Plus, I picked up some dried pears, dates, and raw cashews.

Unfortunately, they also have a lot of healthy delicious food that's NOT on the cleanse diet, like a whole cooler full of mouth-watering cheeses.  I think I crave cheese even more than the leftover Halloween candy lurking in my house.  When the 14th hits, I'm throwing myself a Harvarti Parti. nom nom nom  Other food fantasies:  beer cheese soup & lavosh from Lazlo's and banh mi.

1 comment:

  1. can you invite me to the harvarti parti? :) I've been told I'm half of a four legged party...
