Monday, February 27, 2012

Disposing of Disposables

I was excited to find an old, wadded up handkerchief in the back of my drawer this morning. You read that correctly.

This week, I’m giving up Aisle 11: no paper towels, no napkins, no disposable Ziplock baggies, picnicware, and…Kleenex. Hence the excitement over the discovery that I own a reusable cloth hankie! I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is NO. I’m not giving up toilet paper. Kudos to the environmentally-conscious folks who compost their, um…leavings. I’m not going that far. I will, however, make a trip to one of the health food stores & check out the options for biodegradable or recycled toilet paper made from corn husks and old cereal boxes (or whatever it is that responsible people put on the roll).

The hankie is great, but I’m already realizing some supplies I’m missing: a terrycloth towel to dry my hands at work, a regular set of flatware for my lunch, and a cloth napkin. Unless I attempt to eat lasagna with my bare hands, I’m going to have to make a trip home over the lunch hour.

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