Friday, April 20, 2012

No sloth in sight! Even though my Facebook addiction remains strong, I’ve been doing a lot
less sitting around & a lot more DOING. I’m like a Home Depot commercial on meth! I’ve been staying late at work almost & running errands over my lunch hour & after dinner every day. I’ve only made it to the gym once this week (..and not for a class), but I’ve been getting a LOT of activity anyway.

Some highlights:
Tues: got my replacement drivers’ license, cleaned fridge, worked out at gym

Wed: applied for a marriage license, composted & tilled the office garden, walked around Holmes Lake, went grocery shopping

Thurs: met with my Teammate, skipped a board meeting (I never do that!) to work late on an edit, wrote a couple more thank-you notes, bought a wedding gift, hand delivered a mis-addressed invitation, dropped something off at work for an early-morning shoot

Today: I am taking care of more wedding stuff over lunch & getting a lot done for the big spring/summer projects at work…you know, the stuff I keep putting off until later. Ha!

I have kept myself busy & running around all week, without much of a chance to watch TV
or play online. If I’ve had free time, I’ve spent it exercising or checking things off my list. Ok, I DID allow myself some beers on a friend’s deck – but I much prefer that to throwing my time away on Facebook or Pinterest!

If I can take care of those last couple nagging items on my list (Yakima parts, mail a gift), I’ll feel MUCH better than I did at the beginning of this week. Even if I don’t make it to spinning class :)

Since this week is a pretty vague “without”, I’m looking for a specific, quantifiable one next week.
I’m toying with “a week without a bed”. Any other ideas??

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